Video Game Review- "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"

So, for the last couple days me and my little family have suffered from a nasty but short-lived stomach bug. I was lucky enough to get it last and am still getting over it as I write this, so to keep my workload down I decided to do what for me is an easy review; The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Skyrim is the fifth and perhaps greatest installment in the Elder Scroll series, taking place nearly approximately 200 years after its predecessor, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Like the two before, Oblivion and its precursor, Morrowind, Skyrim takes its name and location from the fictional land of Tamriel. Skyrim is a faction of the Empire, although during the course of the game that could change depending on your in-game choices.
The world of Skyrim is one of the biggest and maybe most complex worlds I have come across in a game environment. From the cities that range from the rustic to the advanced to the magnificent and desolate ruins to the towering mountains and cliff-sides, Skyrim is a breathtaking place to spend you afternoon, or even your entire day.
You think I'm kidding about spending your entire day? Boasting of over 244 missions and quests, this game can and will take a good chunk of your life. Your main focus is learning about your role as the dragon-blooded being known as the Dragonborn and mastering the Dragonborn's use of the dragon language and the elemental power it commands. You discover that the reason you exist is to defeat the ancient evil dragon known as Alduin the Worldeater before he brings about the end of the world. Along the way you train and level up your character in everything from archery to smithing to enchantments and magic usage. You also have the options of marriage, owning and furnishing a home, adopting children and even a dog or two.
The character is a completely custom-built character that you design from the ground up. You can select from a reptilian or feline race, or from two different kinds of elves or a couple different variations of humans. You can then select hair color and style, eye color and style, facial structure, facial scars or tattoos, and then you round it off with an awesome name. Unlike games like KOTOR and Jade Empire and even the earlier Elder Scroll games, Skyrim doesn't force you to pick a preset character type or skill set, everything you do or learn is completely up to you.
As I said before, the levels are many and diverse. And with the additions of the Dragonborn and Dawnguard DLC's you now have the opportunity to fight a deranged Dragonborn like you or a legion of Vampires looking to take over Skyrim. And except for the basics to each quest, you rarely will run across the same villain in the same spot twice in a row. I cant even remember how many times I've played through the bulk of this game, trying out a number of armor sets and talent combos and other options, and I just started a new character to do it all over with!
One tip I will give to someone just purchasing the game, save yourself the money and invest in the Legendary Edition that comes with the DLC's free. To buy the DLC's off the Xbox store you pay about $45 extra, not including the $20 you already spent on the game itself (for 360). Meanwhile the Legendary Edition comes with all 3 DLC's and the game for only ~$40, less if you get it used or from certain places online.
I strongly recommend this game, its complex, elaborate, intoxicating, its every roleplayer's videogame dream come true and once you've completed it you can play it all over again like its an entirely new game. It is available on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. No word yet if it will be re-released for xboxOne or PS4, but here's hoping!

Now, if you will all excuse me, I have a dragon to hunt down.


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