Welcoming our NEW Profile Manager!

I would like you all to help me welcome the newest member to The Den's little family, Sean Gall!
Sean is a co-worker from my other job who has an academic interest in business management with a focus on social media. He has graciously agreed to come on as the official Profile Manager for The Den, and while he will spend most of his time working with the Twitter Profile he will be also keeping an eye on the Facebook page and will post occasionally here as well.

I will let Sean do a better job introducing himself, but please make him welcome to our cozy little study.

Also, for those of you who are not on the Facebook page, I have been out the last couple weeks ill, but am working on a Den post as we speak and should have something new for you all in the next day or two! And with Halloween just around the corner, I think I should do something a little spooky....

Stay tuned, folks!

-Joshua Shipman
Author & Owner of The Den


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